Here are Five animals known for having exceptionally long lifespans on Earth.

Greenland shark: Lifespan Up to 250-500+years

These sharks inhabit the cold waters of the North Atlantic.

Aldabra Giant Tortoise: Lifespan Up to 150+ years.

Native to the Aldabra Atoll in the Seychelles, these giant tortoises are renowned for their longevity.

Koi Fish: Lifespan Up to 50-200+ years.

While not all koi live extremely long lives, they are known for their potential longevity.

Bowhead Whale: Lifespan Up to 200+ years.

Bowhead Whale: Lifespan Up to 200+ years.

Found in Arctic and subarctic waters, the bowhead whale is known for its thick blubber and ability to survive in extremely cold environments.

Ocean Quahog: Lifespan Up to 500+ years.

This is a species of marine clam. Individual ocean quahogs have been documented to live for over 500 years, making them among the longest-lived animals known.